Legion 是一款多人手机游戏。游戏的核心是两支军队在不同地图上的短战。你将完全控制你的小队,就像在最好的 RTS 游戏中一样(不像大多数此类手机游戏,小队自己战斗)。享受!
使用 APK 玩家应用程序
获取适用于 Android 的旧版本 APK(XAPK)
最新版本的新增内容 0.4.0
completely rewritten logic for squad visibility and receiving data about enemy squads
now the squad is selected by tapping on an individual soldier
fix: now you can't attack a unit you can't see
fix: if there is not enough gold to upgrade a squad, the waiting screen does not disappear